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Addressing mental health a top strategy for high-performing comp claims managers

Identifying and addressing behavioral health and mental health issues and providing staff training on empathy and other soft skills are among the performance differentiators for top workers compensation claims management companies, according to survey results released Monday by Chicago-based Rising Medical Solutions.

Rising’s annual benchmarking survey, now in its 10th year, gathered the input of 388 claims leaders in 2022, identifying how high-performing claims organizations distinguish themselves across 30-plus data variables.

In addition to better management of mental health and more empathy among claims staff, companies with better metrics in claims management — which include good claims closure rates — the survey identified measuring injured worker satisfaction as “a key metric of claims management effectiveness.” The results also found that “harnessing performance-based strategies with staff and vendor partners” and “employing workflow automation and predictive and prescriptive analytics” helped top-performing claims organizations.

The survey also found that applying data and technology in claims management — found to be adequately deployed by only 42% of organizations surveyed in 2019 — is now a mainstay for 78% of organizations applying technology to improve claims efficiency.




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