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Illinois lawmakers double down on drug formulary proposal

A second bill that would create a closed drug formulary for injured workers in Illinois was introduced Thursday, in line with a yearslong trend among lawmakers there aiming to mandate how drugs are prescribed under workers compensation.

H.B. 4087, which was referred to the rules committee, calls on the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission, upon consultation with the Workers’ Compensation Medical Fee Advisory Board, to adopt an evidence-based drug formulary by Sept. 1.

The bill would require prescriptions in workers compensation cases to be limited to the drugs on the formulary and also states that “custom compound medication for longer than the one-time 7-day supply shall be approved for payment only if the compound meets specified standards.”

The similar H.B. 1546 was introduced in January and has since stalled in committee. Legislators have been trying since 2019 to create a drug formulary in Illinois. 


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