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Most California employers concerned about comp system

Workers compensation was rated as a “top” or “significant” concern by 78% of employers surveyed by the California Workers’ Compensation Action Network.

According to the survey of 391 companies, 50% of employers said the workers compensation system “performs poorly,” 8% said the system “performs well” and 42% said the comp industry is “challenged, but adequate.”

More than half of respondents rated the system “poor” in several categories: costs to employers, ability to report and combat fraud, costs and time needed to resolve medical disputes, ensuring injuries are work-related, claim acceptance timelines, and claims and court fairness, among them.

Forty percent or more of employers rated access to care, quality of care, return to work, and indemnity payments as “adequate/OK.” 

One feature of the industry scored well, with over 40% of employers rating the ease of filing claims for workers as “good.” 

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