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Study shows lag in physical therapy continues in comp

The time between injury and physical therapy for workers in the workers compensation system continues to stall, according to a trends report released by MedRisk LLC.

Using 10 years of data on coordinated care, comp services company MedRisk examined the lag time between injury and an injured worker’s first physical therapy appointment. It found that in 2013 26.2% of injured workers in need of therapy were seen within seven days. In 2013, that time increased by two percentage points to 28.2%.

The so-called “speed-to-care” timing improved 28 days post-injury, with 60.7% of patients in 2023 receiving care by that time. In 2013, 60.7% of injured workers saw a physical therapist in that time frame.

MedRisk said in its report that decreasing the time for appointments would provide better outcomes for injured workers.



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