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Tank cleaning company cited for exposing workers to hydrogen sulfide

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration said Monday it cited a national tank cleaning company after two employees suffered injuries after being exposed to hydrogen sulfide.

OSHA cited Beaumont, Texas-based Trimac Transportation Inc., which operates as National Tank Services, for two willful, three repeat and four serious health violations after two employees were treated for injuries after being exposed to the highly flammable and toxic colorless gas while cleaning a tanker truck in April.

The agency proposed penalties of $399,349.

One of the employees was hospitalized as a result of the exposure, and two firefighters who responded to the scene were also treated for injuries.

OSHA said the company failed to provide workers with respirators, manage a required respiratory protection program and conduct respiratory fit testing.

The company has 15 business days to contest the citation and penalties.

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